Training, Coaching and Mentoring services on the ADS SC21
After several months of preparation, we’re really pleased to be approved providers of Training, Coaching and Mentoring services on the ADS SC21 Competitiveness & Growth (C&G) Programme and the NMCL Automotive Programme.
As a Provider we are approved to deliver modules on the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Level (NMCL) Improvement programme, including:
- Legislation, Ethics & CSR
- Marketing for Sales & Growth
- Setting the Direction (Vision, Mission and Strategy)
- Innovation and Technology Strategy
- Leadership, Organisation & Culture
- Leadership Skills
- Organisational Skills, Competency & Development
As a member of the North West Aerospace Alliance, we’re really looking forward to working with fellow members in their Cluster of Excellence, in addition to other Aerospace and Automotive supply chain organisations across the UK